
Eco Insight Enhances iPad App Launches Swiss

  Eco Insight Enhances iPad App, Launches Swiss Army Knife for Lighting ProfessionalsLighting professionals often look for ways to cut the time it takes to create accurate energy audit reports. ecoInsight's iPad app offers these professionals an especially effective tool for making fast, accurate energy proposals and reports. Lighting professionals need to create detailed proposals for their clients with accurate price quotes, code considerations and other vital information. If you have spent much time working through an energy audit checklist, you understand that this is often an extremely tedious process. There is no way to skip an energy audit report, but lighting professionals often need to spend hours in large buildings creating their assessments and accurately figuring out a price quote. Fortunately, new construction estimating software makes it much easier to create an energy assessment. Digital tools automatically figure out the costs and code ramifications of lighting projects, allowing you to move from one job to the next quickly.
   You can give building owners detailed, accurate assessment reports in a matter of minutes by spending less time writing and more time inspecting, and auditing software essentially gives you a set of automatic tools that remove the guesswork. You will have an even easier time creating reports if you work with a tablet. Our iPad app makes it much easier to create audit documents on the go. We estimate that the iPad-based energy auditing software allows lighting professionals to create proposals about 30 to 40 percent faster than via traditional methods. Lighting professionals should certainly consider energy auditing software to cut down the time it takes them to make an energy audit report.About ecoInsight ecoInsight is a provider of lighting analysis and audit software that reduces the time it takes to deliver a retrofit proposal to a customer by.

