
Photographs of Prince Harry naked published online

 In one image, the 27-year-old Prince is seen as he stands in front of a woman, wearing only a gold ring tied around his neck.In another he appears to be shown "bear-hugging" a woman next to a pool table.The release of the photographs, if genuine, risks embarrassing Buckingham Palace and raises questions about the Prince's security arrangements.Prince Harry in particular has worked hard to distance himself from the "playboy" image of his early twenties, carefully reconstructing his public role with a series of high-profile royal duties.Earlier this month, he stood in for the Queen as the highest-ranking royal at the Olympics closing ceremony.  In March, he completed his first royal solo tour overseas for the Diamond jubilee visiting Belize, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Brazil.
In May he travelled to Washington DC to accept a humanitarian award from Colin Powell, the former secretary of state, for his work honouring wounded servicemen and women.The Prince, a Captain in the Army Air Corps, is an Apache helicopter pilot and has made clear he wishes to serve in Afghanistan. He is a patron of ten charities.According to celebrity website TMZ, the two pictures were taken in Prince Harry's VIP room at the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas last weekend, a world-class five-star hotel and casino on the main Vegas strip.  A three-bedroom duplex suite at the hotel costs around £5,000 a night at weekends and has its own butler service, games room with pool table and private driveway.
Dai Davies, former head of royal protection at the Metropolitan Police, said the photographs demonstrated the difficulty of protecting a young member of the Royal Family but added that it raised questions over the cost of high level security to the taxpayer."We're paying huge amounts of money for this young man to be followed everywhere he goes by security," Mr Davies said."British security costs in excess of £120 million a year but on the other hand, [royals] have to have a life."Mr Davies described protecting virile young royals such as Harry as "a nightmare" at times but said the Prince was such a "lovely man" that his team was likely to forgive him immediately."He's a young man with lots of testosterone but there is a balance and occasionally that balance slips," he said."There's a responsibility on the person being secured as well as those trying to protect him." He was believed to have stayed in the resort after hosting a charity event for military helicopter training in San Diego, crowning a successful summer for the Royal Family following a surge in popularity after the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

